Co-production with Waiheke Theatre Company 2021

Posted by on Sep 9, 2021 in Archive, News


PaXifica’s latest project, Just One Whistle, is a co-production between the Waiheke Theatre Company and PaXifica Performing Arts Laboratory Trust. The actors performing in the production are seasoned actors living on the island and the film is to be shot exclusively on the island featuring its landscapes, localities and where possible drawing on local resources. As such this is truly a community project.

We are pleased to have this opportunity to work with the Waiheke Theatre Company on this joint creative project. We are both enthused by the potential of our combined skills and experience, the Waiheke Theatre Company in terms of performance and PaXifica in film production, and our ability to realise a high standard of production.

The subject of the film explores several universal themes that shape society and affect us all, but it is in how they impact women and men in a particular way when related to ageing that is our interest. At a time when ‘ageing’ in western society has become of pronounced concern across the board, from young to old, and the ‘aged’ grow ever more marginalised, we want to draw attention to these issues. It’s a subject rarely explored, yet a poignant subject for many, which is why we feel it a valuable reason for making the film. We hope it will be a film which brings a little more light and understanding and through its humour some joy and leaves a lasting impression on a broad range of audiences.

The currently production will happen early in 2022.